
Zirconium Crowns – Arcus Digma II

  • 42 years old male
  • 8+5 days
  • zirconium
  • upper/lower crowns with ArcusDigma II

E.max Crowns

  • 23 years old male
  • 5 days
  • e.max
  • upper left 2 – upper right 2 crowns

Zirconium Bridge – Arcus Digma II

  • 64 years old female
  • 8+5 days
  • zirconium
  • upper/lower crown and bridgework with ArcusDigma II

Tor Norrmann

 Porcelain fused to metal upper and lower full round bridge

Svein Maroy

 Porcelain fused to metal upper and lower full round bridge

Roger Bakk

locator upper, lower zirconium combination

Roald Van Nieuwenhuyse

  • zirconium upper full round bridge,
  • lower front zirconium and lateral porcelain fused to metal

Mikhail Chertok

porcelain fused to metal upper and lower full round bridge

Lotte Nygaard

  • zirconium upper combination,
  • lower lateral porcelain fused to metal on implants

John Marius Iversen

zirconium upper and lower full round bridge with implants

Inge Blatter

 zirconium upper and lower full round bridge

Imelda Fitzgerald

  • porcelain fused to metal upper full round bridge,
  • lower front bridge

David Clark

zirconium upper and lower full round bridge with implants

Christine Milton

  • porcelain fused to metal lower combination,
  • upper full round bridge

Berit Michelsen

zirconium upper and lower full round bridge

Declain Herbert

  • 35 year old male
  • upper: 5-unit zirconium bridge
  • lower: 8-unit porcelain fused to metal bridge
  • 5+2 working days
  • 5 year guarantee


  • Female patient
  • November/December 2012
  • zirconium crown and bridgework,


  • Male patient
  • December 2011 extractions and temp dent
  • May 2012 Alpha Bio Implants and sinus lift
  • November/December 2012
  • upper e.max Porcelain crowns with Porcelain fused to metal at the back of mouth
  • lower e.max Porcelain crowns with Porcelain fused to metal at the back
  • the photo was taken just before we started the final stage, so with the implants already in place (some healing caps are visible)


  • 55 year old female
  • broken, irregular/crooked, heavily filled incisors
  • 12-22 e.max crowns
  • 5 working days

Combination work

  • male, 66 yrs
  • combination work upper and lower, porcelain bridges fused to metal with removable denture
  • porcelain crown fused to metal 265 EUR
  • precision attachment 350 EUR
  • cast partial removable denture 600 EUR
  • 8+5 working days

Dr. Ádám Vad, General Practitioner


2007: Szeged University, Faculty of Dentistry
2013: Membership of ITI Danish Section (International Implantology Society)
2018: Straumann Implant Course
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: General Dentistry, Dento-alveolar Surgery

Languages: Danish, English

”I chose this profession because it’s centred around people, is rooted in a desire to help, and because it’s manual, allowing me to create beautiful work. For me, it’s essential to be empathetic towards my patients. Above all, my most important professional and personal values are authenticity and quality.”

Dr. Attila Lesti, General Practitioner


1999: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2001: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
2005: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
2018: Postgraduate Diploma of Dental Studies (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
2017: Straumann Implant Course
2018: CBCT Masterclass
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Prosthodontics, Dental Surgery (minor oral surgical procedures)

Languages: English

”From 2007 to 2019, I applied my dental expertise in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Since returning home, I’ve been utilising the knowledge I acquired at Kreativ Dental. As a proud father, I spend a significant portion of my free time with my family. Additionally, I’m heavily into sports, particularly running and swimming.”

Dr. Péter Magos, legitimerad tandläkare

Péter examinerades 1994 som tandläkare vid universitetet i Budapest. Han fick docentstipendium i tandkirurgi under två år i Wien. Efter flera olika sjukhusanställningar med tandrestaurering och oral och maxillofacial kirurgi, som gav värdefull erfarenhet av kirurgi, kom han till vårt team 1998. Hans specialintresse är kosmetisk tandvård.

Dr. Lajos Patonay, tandkirurg och implantatspecialist

Louis examinerades först som läkare 1989 vid Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest. År 1994 examinerades han som tandläkare, och fick specialistkompetens inom oral och maxillofacial kirurgi 1999. Han har därefter arbetat enbart som tandkirurg och hans specialområde är implantatkirurgi.

Med. Reg. Nr: 48939

János Rendetzky, Master Ceramist

János is Leader of the Ceramic Department where all Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns, Full Porcelain Crowns, Veneers and Inlays are skillfully crafted. Furthermore, he is one of the few exclusive demonstrators in Europe of the German company Vita which produces the best quality dental porcelain in the world.

Keve Horváth

Keve Horváth joined our team of dental technicians. He works in the Ceramic Department as a master ceramist. After he graduated in 1994, he furthered his knowledge from several symposiums in Hungary, Germany and Belgium (for example Noritake and Ivoclar). In 2006 he held a course „Esthetic Front” with a real patient presence, which is a special event in Hungary and also in Europe.

Dr Ádám Bíró, Endodontist

Ádám graduated in 2011 from the Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry. Since then he worked at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, untill he finished a 3 year postgraduate training in conservative dentisty and prosthodontics. He also participated in the education of students both in Hungarian and English language. Ádám joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2014. His special interest is endodontics.

Dr Bálint Török, Periodontist

Bálint qualified at Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2007. Since then he has been working at the Department of Periodontology, Semmelweis University, and participates in national and international conferences (Europerio, IADR). He finished his 3 year postgraduate periodontal training in 2010. Bálint joined Kreativ Dental in 2013, his specialist field is periodontal surgery.

Dr. Bernard Tóth, Oral Surgeon and General Practitioner

Bernard graduated in 2012 from the Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry. Since then he has worked at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at St. John’s Hospital Budapest for 3 years and then obtained his specialization in dentoalveolar surgery in 2015. Meanwhile, he worked in private dentistry as a general dentist.

His special field is oral surgery, implantology and prosthodontics.

He joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2015.

Dr. Ádám Pánczél, General Practitioner

Ádám graduated in 1998 from the University of Szeged. In 2000 he became a Dental Surgeon /Specialist in General Dentistry.

After working as a Dental Surgeon at BKKMi County Hospital, Maxillo-Facial Department, Kecskemét, Hungary between 2000 and 2006, he spent 7 years as private dentist and as General Dental Practitioner in the United Kingdom.

He joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2013.

Dr. András Zsendovits legitimerad tandläkare

András examinerades först 1992 som tandläkare vid Semmelweis Medical University i Budapest. Efter specialistutbildning som allmäntandläkare 1995, arbetade han som privattandläkare och praktiserade som tandkirurg på Rókus sjukhuset i Budapest. Hans specialitet är kronor och bryggor.

Dr. Cristian Pilihaci, legitimerad tandläkare

Cristian examinerades 1988 vid Neumarkt tandläkarhögskola. Han fick specialistkompetens som allmäntandläkare 1992 och har sedan 1994 gått vidare inom sina specialområden, implantat- och kosmetisk kirurgi. Cristian har också erhållit Cambridge First Certificate i engelska.

Dr. Balázs Vass, legitimerad tandläkare

Balázs examinerades 1999 vid Semmelweis Medical University i Budapest som allmäntandläkare. Han arbetade sedan under två år som kliniker. Efter sex års erfarenhet av att arbeta med tyska och österrikiska patienter i Ungern kom han till Kreativ Dental 2007. Balázs talar både engelska och tyska.

Dr. Iván Solymosi, legitimerad tandläkare

Iván examinerades 2000 vid Semmelweis Medical University i Budapest. År 2002 kom han till Kreativ Dental efter två års erfarenhet på privatklinik. Hans specialintressen är endodonti – tandrotens sjukdomar, och kosmetisk tandvård.